Real-time monitoring of low formaldehyde concentration in outdoor and indoor ambient air!
Real-time monitoring of low formaldehyde concentration in outdoor and indoor ambient air!

Real-time monitoring of low formaldehyde concentration in outdoor and indoor ambient air!

Thanks to the clever combination of an ultra-sensitive cantilever enhanced photoacoustic detection technology and a Quantum Cascade Laser source, the Gasera One Formaldehyde is able to provide enough sensitivity (sub-ppb level!) to reliably measure ambient background levels of formaldehyde in real time.

It also gives an exceptionally high level of stability with a re-calibration longer than one year, and thus it offers a low total cost of ownership. A major advantage of the photoacoustic effect is that sensitivity is not dependent on the absorption path length. This allows high sensitivity with a short absorption path length, and a highly linear response over a wide dynamic measurement range with very low sample volumes (typically only a few milliliters). Have a quick look at the short video presenting the device.

The Gasera One Formaldehyde was field tested in static and dynamic conditions at a holyday and training center in Southern Finland. The center consists in eight separate wooden houses, built from 1950s to 1990s. The indoor air formaldehyde concentration was recorded in 50 rooms during the testing and varied from 4 to 200 μg/m3. The highest formaldehyde concentrations were measured in rooms where 1970s particle board was abundantly used in combination with poor ventilation. The average indoor air formaldehyde concentration clearly exceeded the annual average value of 50 μg/m3 (decreed by the Finnish regulation) in two buildings.

The measurement results of the Gasera One Formaldehyde were compared to the measurement results of the more traditional DNPH method based on cartridge sampling and liquid chromatographic laboratory analysis (reference method). The results agree well considering that the reference method has an uncertainty of 15 % and a minimum detectable formaldehyde level of 5 μg/m3.

This study showed clear differences in measured formaldehyde levels based on the building type. It also highlighted analyzer sensitivity, linearity and fast response time to ambient and indoor concentrations changes. Moreover, field measurements of the GASERA ONE FORMALDEHYDE in comparison against reference method showed high consistency. More results from this study are available here in the related application note.

  • For more information on technical specifications of Gasera One Formaldehyde, please consult the data sheet.
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