ISSeP chooses Tekran again
After more than 10 years of experience in mercury trace gas monitoring with Tekran devices, ISSeP (Institut Scientifique de Service Public - Belgium), has renewed his confidence in the product by buying the new Tekran 2537X. This analyser, based on gold preconcentration with atomic fluorescence detection principle, measures the total gaseous mercury (TGM) with a sensitivity lower than 0.1 ng/m3.
The Tekran® 2537X performs continuous long-term, unattended analysis of gaseous elemental mercury with unmatched accuracy, sensitivity, and reliability. The Tekran® 2537X is easy to setup, use, and maintain and has long been known for its stable performance in rugged conditions. Our instruments have been installed at both Polar Regions, on ocean research vessels and hundreds of locations in between. As a testament to the longevity of our products, the first Tekran® 2537X analyzers produced are still running strong and producing quality data with over 15 years of continuous operation.
While the Tekran® 2537X is typically tasked with continuous ambient air monitoring, other applications are easy to achieve. For example, by continuously measuring the inlet and outlet of a flux chamber, the exceptional sensitivity of the 2537X can be used to determine differential surface emission and deposition rates. |
The 2537X is most often used with the model 1130 and 1135 to continuously measure atmospheric mercury speciation. The 2537X has also been applied to study and monitor mercury control technology, dissolved gaseous mercury, surface flux by gradient techniques, indoor air, plume chemistry, free-tropospheric air and point sources impacts, to name but a few. In cases where higher air concentrations are expected, the Tekran® 2537X can be purchased in an alternate configuration to extend the upper range of the analyzer. This is useful for industrial monitoring and site remediation projects where mercury concentrations are expected to far exceed the typical ambient air concentrations.
Key Features:
- Touch screen interface
- Local data storage and file retrieval
- Low detection limit < 0.1 ng/m3
- Internal permeation source for automated calibrations
- Dual channel gold trapping for uninterrupted sampling
- Network enabled with remote operation and control
- Improved maintenance serviceability
- Rugged platform with proven accuracy and stability
Get more info:
Contact the Envicontrol team
Tekran 2537X datasheet